2022 Feedback Summary
Hello, and a long deep breath.
Relax your shoulders and arms.
Set an intention to connect to a present state of mind for the next few minutes.
Can you feel yourself shift a little when you set that intention?
Just listen to life for a short while to feel yourself shift anytime.
Nice mini-shift.
Today’s message isn’t a Shift as much as it is to reconnect with you about feedback we received from Shift Into 2022, Part 1 — one of our most engaged with Shifts to date.
It was great to see the encouragement and ideas pour in.
I summarized some of the feedback below, followed by my thoughts.
As a reminder, the question posed to the community in that Shift was:
How do we benefit the most people in 2022?
I summarized feedback into 2 ideas.
Share more about Sean’s own journey and teach live by doing Shift podcasts and subscriber Q&As.
Ask every subscriber to log into Substack one time — because that enables you to share Shifts on social media more easily.
Thank you for sharing those ideas!
Here’s what I’m thinking.
Our aim is to benefit the most people in 2022, so let’s remain laser-focused on that.
I love the live podcast idea.
Please let me know if you might want to be a live Q&A guest later this year — and what topic interests you.
If you know someone with a major podcast, or are in media yourself, let’s connect. Please reply to this email to reach me.
If you’re willing to share a Shift on social media from time to time, please:
Log into to Substack now to make it easy to share in the future.
Sound good?
I continue to be encouraged by the consistent engagement and the stories of enjoyment and shifting subscribers share with me.
Thank you for being here!
I’m very much looking forward to shifting with you throughout 2022.
Let’s take one more long deep breath.
And intend to have a present rest of today.
Talk to you soon.
Enjoy personalized Advance Shifts in the app anytime.
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