
Be A Shift Therapist

Here's what it takes...

Shift Therapists are a peer-to-peer network being recruited to deliver Shift Therapy®. The video above includes simulation of a service not yet available to users.


Interested in becoming a Shift Therapist?

As always, let’s take a long, deep breath to get started.

Feel the mini-shift taking hold inside you.


Being able to shift yourself into a better state of mind on demand when you choose to is the most valuable skill there is. With the right training, shifting others into a better state of mind is a skill you can master too.

Now that we know that Shifts work so well, we’re developing world-class Shift Therapist training to provide live, on-demand shifting at scale.

Imagine Shift Therapists around the world shifting anyone, anytime.

Now imagine yourself shifting someone else into a better state of mind in under 10 minutes anytime.

Can you see it?

Let the training begin…

Shift Therapist Training Summary

By completing the two training phases summarized below, Shift Therapists will be trained to guide live ‘shifters’ into their chosen state of mind in under 10 minutes.

Phase 1: Complete at least 50 Shifts in the existing OnePerfect Shift app (iPhone | Android) AND complete the Phase 1 training sessions (coming later this year) to qualify for Phase 2 training.

Phase 2: Practice shifting others live using the forthcoming Shift Therapy® training app to deliver at least 50 live Shifts. Receive at least a 4 out of 5-star average rating from your ten most recently delivered Shifts to complete your training.

Successfully completing Phase 2 training demonstrates your competence shifting others into a better state of mind in under 10 minutes which earns your Shift Therapist credential. Credentialed Shift Therapists will be able to add their profiles in the Shift Therapy® app and begin offering live Shifts to others.

*Training and credentialing requirements may change at anytime.

Shift Therapist Q&A

How do I get started?

Email help@oneperfect.com with “Shift Therapist” in the subject line to get added to our growing Shift Therapist list. You’ll be emailed further information as the Shift Therapist training program develops. Feel free to ask questions in your email.

You can also get Shift Therapist training by investing in Shift Therapy.

Who can become a Shift Therapist?

No prior experience or credentials are required to train to become a Shift Therapist. We envision Shift Therapists all over the world shifting anyone who wants a Shift.

How long does Shift Therapist training take?

You’ll move at your own pace. Keep training as long as it takes to earn your Shift Therapist credential.

One great benefit of Shift Therapist training is that you’ll develop personal mastery with shifting yourself as you complete your credentialing requirements.

Can I earn income as a Shift Therapist?

Yes, we expect Shift Therapists to be able to earn income within the Shift Therapy® app and platform. We aim to enable a volunteer tier and a paid tier for Shift Therapists. We’ll add more detail to this response as financial details develop.

More Q&A to come.

We’ll continue adding Shift Therapist training questions and answers right here as they develop.

Have a great day!

Stay present,
