A Shift About Psychotherapy
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -7:40

A Shift About Psychotherapy

Let’s take a long, deep breath.

And another.

Come further into the present moment by bringing all your attention focus right here and right now.

Enjoy listening to the silence.


Have you ever been to psychotherapy?

There are all sorts of theories about what works in therapy, and what doesn't. 

And about why things work and why they don't.

Based on 20+ years providing therapy and 60+ years of therapy research often referred to as ‘Process and Outcome Psychotherapy Research,’ I see the main active ingredient in psychotherapy, when it works, is that you are connecting authentically to another caring person who is fully present for you, which has the effect of shifting your state of mind into collaborative presence during therapy — which has a tendency to generalize over time to a more present average state of mind when you’re outside of therapy, and especially when you’re with other people.

If you’re lucky, being in therapy will specifically teach you, and give you practice with, strategically shifting your state of mind and body, and so, your emotional experience.

I can almost say, ‘all people’ I’ve ever worked with —  no matter what they came in for, or what their diagnoses might have been, were able to come into a favorable state of mind when we were in the therapy room together — to feel good, to laugh, to have fun, and feel the confidence that comes from connecting to another caring person, and feeling the sense of meaning that so often flows from a dynamic, attentive relationship that is truly taking place in the present moment. 

There is so much to psychotherapy.

It’s different for everyone, every time.

So many of the positive consequences that people value from engaging in psychotherapy flow from the collaborative ‘shifting‘ of your state of mind that is repeatedly occurring (naturally or intentionally) as you engage in therapy — and hopefully in between your therapy sessions as well.

So much of what we each glean from psychotherapy comes through consistently returning to the present moment through being engaged in a meaningful present relationship.

Therapy can be so beautiful and helpful when you find the right therapist for you.

Fortunately though, you don't need a therapist to be in a room with you to practice shifting your mind strategically.

Whether you’re in therapy or not, you can improve your ability to shift.

Let's take 30 seconds together and shift even more intentionally into the present moment now.

Relax your entire body.

Breathe deeply.

And listen to life with 100% of your attention again.

Hear all the sounds you otherwise wouldn’t hear.


Feel the present moment for while now.

How does your body feel when you’re listening in presence?


Doing that brings you into your listening state of mind where you can feel a sense of presence — you can feel yourself being present. 

Noise from thoughts in your head quiet a bit as less content rummages through your mind. 

More of your attention hovers here, in this moment.

Let’s discover how listening to life and recharging right now is informing how you will live the rest of today?

Take another 20 seconds, just listening and noticing what is arising right now.

Nice, keep listening.

If your attention gets distracted from your intention to be present in your listening mind, just reset your intention to listen to the present moment, again.

Let’s listen for another 15 seconds.

Great job!


Have an incredible day.

Just a reminder, reach out for whatever support you need to take that next best step along your very personal life path.

Connecting with a person who cares as much as you do is often the best step you can take for yourself.

You can learn more about OnePerfect’s Shift Therapy® here.

Stay present,



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OnePerfect Shift is an audio letter from a psychologist that shifts you into a better state of mind anytime. Each post gives you a fresh look at your relationship to your mind and reminds you how much control you can have over your life experience.
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Dr. Sean Sullivan