Shift Through Being Annoyed With Someone

Shift Through Being Annoyed With Someone

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In each Shift, we take a fresh look at our relationship to our own mind as we dive into presence to rejuvenate together.

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Let's start with a small shift.

Set an intention to shift into a more ideal state of mind over the next few minutes.

Let's do that together.

To set that intention really make your mind go there by saying to yourself:

“I'm going to shift from where I am right now to a better place over the next few minutes.”

Is your intention to shift clearly set?

Okay, good.

Now, take a long deep breath.


Okay so you're annoyed with someone.

This is painful.

Interpersonal difficulty is painful. 

Interpersonal difficulty often has the effect of reducing our connection to what's most important to us.

The associated emotions that come along with feeling annoyed with someone often produce a temporarily myopic point of view which translates into an unwanted mind state.


Being annoyed can disconnect you from the more deeply held beliefs that you’re usually more in touch with. 

That’s why now is the moment when you’re most in need of a Shift — a quick reminder that reinvigorates your connection to what every spiritual tradition tells you… 

Life is a miracle. 

Your life is a miracle.

Your journey through life is an aspect of that miracle.

Your spiritual journey is about navigating through your miracle.

The inner journey that's occurring within you is part of the miracle. 

Difficult moments along your path are opportunities offered by the miracle to step forward on your path with integrity in this moment. 

So… this moment of being annoyed with someone is an opportunity to come back into touch with what you know is most true in your life.

So, what's most true to you?

What's most important to you in life?

Let's lean into your truth — whatever you believe. 

Take 10 seconds to think about that question and notice what comes to mind. 

What's most true and important to you? 

Be fully in the present moment by placing 100% of your attention to just listening to yourself.

Listen to your thoughts for the answer to the question…

What's most important to you?

Okay, good.

Whatever you came up with, good start.

Let's keep going slowly. 

Take another deep breath.

Release the tension in your body by relaxing your neck. 

Allow your shoulders and your arms to fall toward the ground too.

Allow your hands, your arms, to relax completely.

How about another question?

How do you want to remember yourself when you're looking back on your journey tomorrow — or when you look back from the end of your journey?

Do you want to feel proud?


At peace?

Picture what you want to feel like right now. 

How do you want to feel looking back?

Bring that vision into a feeling state in your body now.

If you were most satisfied looking back on your life, how would you feel?

Got your answer?


Now ask yourself…

How would that feeling inside you — that answer to what feeling proud of your life would look and feel like — how does that feeling and answer inform how you want to deal with the interpersonal struggle that you're going through today?

Take a few seconds considering that question in silence. 

Observe how answering that question impacts how you feel — and how you want to cope — now that you're more connected to what's important to you.

Doing that will give you some space from any annoyance you’re feeling.

Any ideas about how you might deal differently with your annoyance?

How are you going to cope so that you respect your own decision?

Do you feel any better, knowing that answer? 

How do you feel now?

How's your mind and body state right now?

Well, stay present.

Always reconnect to what's important to you — especially if the annoyance starts to return today.

Okay, have a great day.

Talk to you soon.


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The app also tracks your progress and has lots of targeted multimedia Shifts and programs.

Over 95% of surveyed app users report being able to shift effectively in 5-10 minutes.

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OnePerfect Shift is an audio letter from a psychologist that shifts you into a better state of mind anytime. Each post gives you a fresh look at your relationship to your mind and reminds you how much control you can have over your life experience.