Shift To Learning Faster
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:56

Shift To Learning Faster

Hey there, how are you?

I hope you're doing all right.

I'm reaching out to say hello and spend some time in presence, largely because I was inspired by a conversation I had earlier.

It brought me back.

It was a gentleman who grew up near where I did, around Boston.

We were talking about how we might work together, but first we were just connecting — getting to know each other.

It was great.

He told me something that I thought was just brilliant — about how he perceived OnePerfect.

If he wants credit for this, he can he can tell me.

He was talking about how he was going to travel this summer.

He is going to France.

He's American and he’s excited about his trip.

Although he considers himself a very poor linguist in general, he decided that he wanted to learn French before going on this trip.

Before we continue, why don’t we take a minute to drop into presence together for a little bit.

Then, I'll share what my new friend shared with me.

I think his idea is so helpful to support the objective of learning to shift your state of mind effectively.

It’s a great way to frame that intention for yourself as you engage with the challenge of getting better at shifting your mind.

Before we get to that, let’s take a long, deep breath.

All of our attention right here.


I feel jazzed up today because it's beautiful out.

So I'm going to keep my eyes open.

I'm just going to notice something I've never noticed before about the beauty of our environment.

What do you see in your outer world that you've never noticed before?

Noticing something new brings you into the present moment.

It’s the painters eye — as I think of it sometimes.

I have a friend who's a great painter.

If you watch a painter, they just look, and they look, and they study.

And then they see what they want to see, or what they need to see.

They see what that next step is for them to see in order to paint the perfect piece of art for this moment.

So let's just look at life for another 10 seconds.

If you want to become a painter, you're going to have to look for a lot longer than 10 seconds.

But 10 seconds is all it takes to come fully into the present moment.


It can be easier to sit in silence for a bit when you know that you have something to look forward to afterwards.

Do you notice that sensation inside you as you listen?

That anticipation of what’s coming next.

It can pull you out of presence, but it can also keep yourself in presence — to know you have something coming next.

I'm looking forward to flushing out this idea with you.

The basic idea is that learning a language — a new language from scratch — requires you to learn words.

You learn words and then clusters of related words.

You learn words in a certain order.

Before you know it, you have a little bit of knowledge.

From that knowledge you can build in some grammar, and you can build in some sentences.

Before you know it again, you’re stringing sentences together.

Not to make it sound easier than it is, because it could take a while.

But suffice it to say, there is a process to that learning experience.

When you follow the right process, you're going to learn a lot faster because you're going to learn the words that you need to learn first, to learn the language.

And eventually, you're speaking French, or whatever it is.

This new friend was pointing out to me the analogy between learning a language and learning to shift your state of mind effectively — learning the skills necessary, the words and the language necessary, to know how to make shifts to your mind, to your life — to your wellness.

Once you have some of the basics down, you can go on to other things and learn more.

Or, you can just be completely satisfied with the core skill of be able to shift your state of mind into peace anytime.

I so appreciated the brilliance of that observation — the parallel between learning a language and learning to shift your state of mind — learning for wellness, learning for mental health, learning how to connect to life in the way that you want to, so that you feel at peace consistently, even in moments when you’re not shifting.

It's all about living in the present moment.

And living in the present moment is all about remembering to reconnect to the present moment whenever you get disconnected.

That's what Shifts are all about.

That's why I record these Shifts all the time.

That’s why I complete Shifts every day.

And it’s why I believe in sharing Shifts.

When you get something that works for you, share it.

But I also recognize that the same thing doesn't work every day.

Because you’re different every day.

You're in a different place each day.

You've changed — maybe learned something new and you want to build on that.

So ideally, you want to be connected with from a place that enables you to take the right next step on your path.

And that's not the same place as it was for any of us today as it was yesterday.

That's another thing that I love about Shifts in the OnePerfect app — they meet you where you are.

I want to encourage you to try the OnePerfect app to learn faster.

Within the app you can truly personalize your experience.

You can actually record your own voice, your own Shifts, or parts of a Shift.

And you can blend your recordings into your Shift experiences.

You can learn how to do that in a way that makes you a faster learner by getting targeted in terms of what you want to focus on during your Shifts.

There are great ways to focus on all of that in the app.

So just a little pitch for the app there because I'm seeing how much people love the Shifts on the email program from OnePerfect Shift.

The Shift Starter Program is coming soon too — it’s beloved in testing now.

But to me, the app is a very well conceived approach to learning how to shift your state of mind at any moment, because it meets you where you are right now.

So take advantage of it.

I’ll drop app links below.

Check it out.

Thank you to my new friend for sharing that analogy that I passed on today.

Before we tie up, let’s spend a little more time in silence and in presence together.

Another long deep breath.

What do you want to do this time?

Do you want to close your eyes and be at peace?

Let's feel our body buzz for a while.

Close your eyes.

Take all your attention and place it into any body part you choose.

Feet and hands are great choices.

Let's do that this time.

Feel both of your feet and both your hands at the same time.

Notice that tingling buzzing life.

The miracle of you that's buzzing — that’s intersecting with life.

Feel that?

Once you feel that sensation in your hands and feet, spread the sensation from the outside in, to fill your whole body buzzing with life.



Feel it in your head too.

Don't forget the buzzing of your head.

Let's feel together for a while longer.

Do you feel that body buzz?

It’s the miracle of 30 trillion cells buzzing as one, totally outside your control.

You are miraculous.


Keep going if you want.

I'm going to sign off by suggesting we set the intention to be in presence as much as we can for the rest of the day.

Have a great one.



Personalize your next Shift in the app anytime.

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OnePerfect Shift is an audio letter from a psychologist that shifts you into a better state of mind anytime. Each post gives you a fresh look at your relationship to your mind and reminds you how much control you can have over your life experience.
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Dr. Sean Sullivan