Shift With Waves
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:02

Shift With Waves

Tap above to “Listen” or choose your perfect Desktop Shift, iPhone Shift, or Android Shift to Shift into your ideal state of mind for whatever you’re doing next today.

Hello there, how are you?

Let’s take a long deep breath.

Notice yourself coming into presence.

Notice your body coming into presence as you release any distractions.

Today we’ll listen to waves with 100% of our attention for a minute to shift into presence.

As you’re listening, see if you can also notice the subtle but distracting sound that arises in the background during your Shift.

See if you can also notice how your inner world reacts to the distraction automatically in real time.

Can you immediately shift back into presence at the moment when you get distracted?

OK, let’s step outside and listen and get ready to notice your reactions with that intention.

Notice how you shift automatically.

Then notice how you can shift intentionally back into presence by listening with all your attention.

Hear the waves?

Let’s listen together…

  1. Again, notice how your mind shifts automatically when you’re distracted.

  2. Then, notice how you can shift intentionally back into presence by listening with all your attention.

Ready again?

Close your eyes if you want.



Great job.

Did you notice the distraction?

Did it distract or annoy your presence?

Anytime you get distracted from your intention to have your attention focused where you want.

Just notice the distraction, and then reset your intention to focus your attention 100% where you want to — where you chose to.

You can do that to come back into presence anytime.

Each time you do that, you are training yourself to return to presence.

All right, have a great day.

Stay present.

Talk to you soon.



The OnePerfect Shift app for shifting your state of mind is free if your employer, school, or other organization subscribes.

Contact us for a team trial or try it for yourself on iPhone or Android.